Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Yes, I know. That is a long ass time. My apologies. Work has been taking up 85% of my time, and the other 15% has been filled with people coming in from out of town, or me traveling up to Atlanta. I swear, it is never ending.
Oh yeah, here is some exciting news. My little sister (who is 20) is pregnant. Normally, this would make anyone coo and be excited. Not me, or anyone in our family. See the thing is, she is 20, has no job, no actual place to call home (she is a bit of what you would call a drifter), has been know to do meth, amongst other drugs, and the father of the child is a druggie younger than her. So yeah, that has been a lot of fun. And she is convinced that she is going to raise the child and everything will be fine. In fact, she has quite the plan laid out. I think her plan consists of getting put on food stamps, and then getting set up with Medicaid, and then renting a trailer house behind the trailer she refers to as the drug house. However, she may be coming to her senses. She has mentioned that she may allow our foster parents to adopt the baby which would be the best thing for both her and the baby. Fingers crossed!
On another note, I was fortunate enough to hang out with Kat last Thursday night. How cool is that? I know you are all so very jealous. And Kat is even cooler in person than she is online! Hard to fathom, I know. I met up with Kat, Jess, Larkin, Master Wog, Bobby and Krystal downtown and totally rocked Blaine's. It was my first time at Blaine's and it is quite an awesome bar. Where else can you go with awesome karaoke and all you can drink beer for $10? So I have a shit ton (something like a metric ton, just more) of pictures to go through and post as well as some awesome video footage. I swear I will post these soon.
Up and coming events to look forward to: Halloween party at my house! (With lots of promise for some awesome stories and photos.)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I Am Honored!
Look at what Jess left at my doorstep!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Drunken Downtown Debauchery
Larkin and I
Jess and Krystal
My friend Erica from Atlanta
Josh and Krystal trying to high five each other
Jess, Krystal and Me
A more drunk Erica
Larkin and Krystal
This is my favorite from the night...
Wonder Triplet Powers Activate!
Larkin singing Tracy Chapman
And the much anticipated Jess Instructional Dance Videos
Part 1 - I'm on a Boat!
Part 2 - I'm on a Boat!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mothra Attacks!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Dear So and So... I'm Not A Fan
Dear Boss Man,
If I hear Poker Face by Lady Gaga one more time, I am going to punch someone in the face.
Respectfully, Mitzy
Dear Bowling Alley,
I just want to say thank you for always having plenty of clean new socks. I seem to have a memory problem and I can never remember to bring socks from home. I think I have 4 pairs of socks from you now, and I am sure I will be acquiring more since I can't remember shit. I can remember to bring my ball and my shoes, but my socks never seem to make it.
Extremely Grateful, Mitzy
Dear Little Sister,
Please leave your deadbeat boyfriend. He is now in jail for the second time since you have been with him. When you met him, he was just released from prison. He is on probation in not 1 but 2 counties. His father just got put in jail, again. His cousin just got shot by some random girl at a party and died. You are the only individual amongst the 8 people living in his aunt's trailer that actually has a job and your income is supporting all of these dead beats. You are better than this.
Love you, Sis
Dear Kathy Griffin,
You are one of the best comediennes ever. When I am down or super stressed out, you never cease to fail at making me laugh hysterically while watching your show on Bravo. Keep on with the dick jokes!
A Straight Fan, Mitzy
P.S. Please come to Atlanta or Savannah soon!
Dear Stomach,
I know you are hungry, but do you really have to be so loud? I promise, we will be leaving soon to grab some food.
Settle Down, Mitzy
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A Sad Day

Friday, July 24, 2009
Dear So and So... Part Deux
Dear Biological Father,
I appreciate all of your calls and emails from afar. However, seeing as how I haven't answered or responded in well over 6 months, I would think that you would have gotten the point by now. But worry not, we will be seeing each other soon. A lot sooner than you realize, and in a not so cozy setting.
(Insert Evil Laughter Here), Your Biological Daughter
Dear Pullo,
The big large bed that you like to sleep in belongs to me. This is my domain. I will share my bed with you so that I may cuddle up next to you anytime. Keep this in mind the next time you growl at me because I accidentally touched you or woke you up because your ass is getting kicked off the bed.
Grrrrrrrrrrr, Mommy
Dear Mother Nature,
I just wanted to say thank you for making this summer somewhat tolerable. The heat has been bearable for the most part and I think we have even had a few days where the humidity was actually less the 80%! Now, if you would just do something about these mosquitoes and sand gnats, I would be eternally grateful.
Sincerely, Mitzy
Dear Miley,
I know this may sound a bit selfish, but I would love it if you could hurry up filming your movie and leave now. I'd like to be able to go out to Tybee without the fear of being trampled on by a flock of tweens trying to hunt you down. I appreciate that you have encouraged tourism (and by tourism I mean your stalkers following you) which in turn will help the economy in Savannah. However, my friends and I are over due for a beach day.
Impatiently, Mitzy
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Never Ending Summer
Friday, July 17, 2009
Dear So and So....
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A Quarter Of A Century Has Come And Gone
Monday, June 29, 2009
Smells Like Teen Spirit
The night continued with some more drinks and more karaoke.
More to come...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Summa Time!
Pullo LOVES the water. (Especially when it is 102 degrees outside.)
I attempted to surf for the first time.
And here is Pullo on the way home, all tuckered out. Doesn't he look so pathetic?
REMINDER: Friday is National Take Your Dog To Work Day!!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Water Volcano
We are on day 3 of the water volcano that is outside my window at work. There have been a couple people from city maintenance come by to look at it, but nothing has been done to fix it. Since Monday, it has gotten quite a bit worse. Instead of 1 stream of water shooting up, there are about 4 or 5.
With as hot as it has gotten down here, it is slightly tempting to run outside and jump through it a couple times. No one would notice, I'm sure.
This is a better angle. As you can see, the water is reaching the 2nd floor.
For your viewing pleasure, here is a clip that I took from inside my office.
I can't wait to see how it looks tomorrow!
It's Getting Hot In Here!
I don't think I will be doing any yard work this weekend.
Anyone have a pool I can play in?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
There Is A Blow Hole Outside My Window
We are going on the 2nd day of having this "water fountain" outside, and it seems to have gotten bigger overnight. The stream of water shoots up about 12 feet in the air right now, high enough to touch the 2nd floor windows. I am pretty sure that I am going to come into work later this week, and there will either be a sinkhole next to my office, or there will be a large construction crew working on it. Either way, it should be exciting.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I Bet You 10 Cents That I Will Whoop Your Ass!
While we were having another beer and snacking on peanuts, I bet Jess that she couldn't hold a peanut in her knee. She proved me wrong. (See the other things she can hold in her knee here.)
While we were at The Rail, Jess pointed out that they have Helium Karaoke! Now why the hell didn't we think of this sooner! I can't think of any other 2 words that go so naturally together. We plan on attending in a couple weeks, so there will be an exciting blog post to look forward to then.
We left that bar to go to the tattoo shop where Krystal is getting her new ink. It is quite a masterpiece. Here she is before, looking at the drawing of the tattoo.
Lines + Shading
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A Lazy Rainy Weekend
Plus, the rain just gives me another reason to stay curled up in bed with the animals and watch cartoons all weekend. At least I am not the only one that turns into a lazy bum during the dreary weather.
See for yourself...
At least I will be well rested for the busy week ahead.